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23 Jan

How to use an oversized sweater CORRECTLY

How to use an oversized sweater CORRECTLY

We know that the oversized is trend! We see it in jackets, shirts and especially in sweaters. Well, today we will tell you how to use an oversized sweater correctly. It is a super comfortable element and it goes well with almost any body type and style. However, it has a few rules so you do not get buried under this trend. Keep reading to learn more.

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Rule # 1: always stylize the bottom part.

Whether with leggings, tight pants or socks, your legs should look very stylish if you want to use this trend correctly. The balance and equilibrium in these outfits are VITAL. We do not want to look overloaded. Make your figure even more stylish with high-heeled shoes, make your legs look longer thanks to the optical effect.

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Rule # 2: Mark your waist

This is essential especially if you are a person of short stature. If you decide to wear the oversized trend always put a part of your sweater in your pants, skirt or legging. This will mark your waist and where your legs start. We guarantee that you will look taller and you can use this trend without fear.

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Rule # 3: use the correct length

If you want to use your oversized sweater as if it were a dress, of course that is allowed! Just take into account the length and footwear you will wear. Remember that in risky trends like this, the balance is key. Use it with high impact boots or any other footwear with socks that balance the outfit.

We love this trend! And it is based on experiments that we have learned to use it. Do not limit yourself! Get creative and implement these rules so you can discover your formula to know how to use an oversized sweater correctly. Remember that footwear is available in our online store.

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