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4 Jan

Three steps to improve your wardrobe this 2018

Three steps to improve your wardrobe this 2018

We must move the energies! Say goodbye to the old and hello to the new, and with it improve not only our wardrobe but also our life. With this we do not want to tell you to buy a thousand things. Clothing is an extension of ourselves, therefore, we improve by freeing ourselves from what we no longer like or that we know we will never use again. Today we propose three steps to improve your wardrobe this 2018.

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We know it is not simple. But there is a very simple question that you can ask yourself to determine if you use something or not: have you put it on in the last three months? If the answer is no, then you must donate it. Make room in your wardrobe for the new acquisitions of the year. Free space and let better things come to your life and your style.

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When you have already separated everything that you no longer use, it is time for a second filter. Keep only that which makes you extremely happy when you wear it. If you do not feel great @ when you dress it, maybe it’s time to let it go. Keep only those clothes that you really love, with which you can build a thousand outfits and you never get tired of them. When you reduce the clutter in your closet you will see that your creativity at the time of dressing and therefore, your style.

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This may seem deceptive and impulsive, and we know that we have told you that you should buy intelligently, preferring quality over quantity. But to differentiate what you really love from other possible purchases you can ask yourself a question: does this item I want to wear immediately tomorrow? This question will make you imagine outfits with the clothes that you already have, with which you can determine if it is a purchase that will elevate your style.

Only these three steps to improve your wardrobe this 2018 are necessary. They are a guaranteed success! Now that your closet is free, take a tour of our online store and take a step towards your dream style.

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