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11 Apr

Spend the holidays with style

outfit primavera

Spring Break is coming, and we are pretty sure you’re almost done planning where to go and what to do. One of the most important this to keep in mind is what will you put in your luggage.

It really doesn’t matter if you’re a light or heavy packer, on today’s blog you’ll see three key outfits for these holidays.


There is nothing more comfortable than a jumpsuit for traveling, they are light and strategic; you don’t have to worry about combining tops and bottoms because they are one piece! Jumpsuits are the fashion item for the warmest days, wear them with sandals or sneakers to accomplish a comfortable and ad hoc look for the holidays.

jumpsuit outfit

In the past few seasons this type of pants have been a total success in high end and fast fashion brands. Culottes are iconic for being loose and they can have applications and finishes such as creases, belts, plaid, etc. They are super comfortable and you can wear them with sneakers, sandals, heels and loafers.

palazzo pants
Ruffled shirt

Shirts with ruffles have a very 80’s vibe, which is so in nowadays. Adapt the retro style with contemporary clothes like ripped skinny jeans. To look fresher and spring-like go for a white bottom, especially if your top is long sleeved or is made of a warmer fabric. For your accessories add woven elements and drivers loafers or sandals.

ruffled shirt

With these three tips you’ll ace the holidays. Follow us in our social media and share your looks using the hashtag #YoSoyCuadra.

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