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17 Feb

The perfect night out style

Weekend is approaching and with it the perfect excuse for planning your night out outfit and standing out in any crowd with a style that matches your personality.

February is the time in which you can find cold weather at times, but generally a mild temperature that’s perfect for matching your clothes and creating the perfect outfit for the season and to go with your personality.

The Leather items are a big trend and they create a very interesting look. Combine your black leather skirt and dare to give it a bohemian accent with a tobacco leather vest and hand-crafted booties that will give every girl’s outfit a special touch.

For men, the night out outfits tend to be a lot easier, but are always a great excuse to look their best and bring out their best clothes for the weekend.  A blue dress shirt can’t be missed to mix with the the darker tones of the night. A pair of mining boots will give you a rebel touch. Remember that accessories are essentials to add personality to your outfit.

If you want to add a little extra touch, you can wear a vest that will give you a defiant look and help you in transitional weather moments between one climate and other that happen when arriving or leaving a bar.

The Cuadra Style without a doubt, will make you stand out wherever you decide to use it and accompany you in a weekend full of experiences.

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